This was the night of our fun Business share and Card SWAP! The first picture is of me with Shelli Gardner - the one we owe all of this fabulousness too! She is an amazing person - very business savvy, but a kinder, sweeter person you will never meet! We all must drive her crazy getting pictures taken with her, but she always says sure and smiles her sweet smile. I caught her her working on her swap cards - which are just gorgeous, by the way! I'll post it later in the week for you to ogle!

This fun picture is of me with Tiffany Bauer - this year's Rising Star #1. We had so much fun getting to know each other - she is a great gal and a SCRAPBOOKER like me! Just wish you lived closer, Tiff! I have put a link to her blog on my sidebar so you should go check it out. She has some really funny pictures from this trip as well. I KNOW you guys will love them!
This next picture is of another good friend, Patty Bennett. Patty is an amazing stamper and such a great source of creative genius for us. I know you have been to her blog, it's on my sidebar as well! She lives in California, where apparently they don't need jackets! (A little side joke for Patty - we went shopping one day with Stella Mackay - also from California and they were laughing at me because every store we went into, I was trying on jackets! Well, it gets cold in Virginia AND in the skating rink where oh, so much of my time is spent!) Anyway, I LOVE Patty Bennett and it was great to

Well, here's part of the whole gang, from L to R standing is Debbie Naylor, Stella Mackay (yes, she really has CURLERS in her hair - HI STELLA!), Me, Susan Nygaard, Susie Wood and Denise Jorgensen. Patty is sitting at the table guarding her swaps - no, not really, but they truly are too

So, the last picture today is of our FABULOUS Bonnie Thurber (you saw her card last week!),

Remember I told you yesterday that they fed us really, really well? So, these cookies were about 1/2 inch thick and about 5 inches around! Some were dipped in this creamy chocolate coating that was just, oh, so yummy! And the best part - they never ran out!
Yes, there was other food on the table too, chips, dips, there was even an ice cream float bar that was Way cool! But, those cookies......... umm, umm good!
Love you guys - check back tomorrow for more fun stuff!